Sunday, July 22, 2007

Bringing hope to Battambang...

Posted by Jeff Billingsley:

One word describes the worship service on Saturday night: WOW!!!! Unlike anything I had ever seen in my entire life and I've been to quite a few non-christian music concerts. The Holy Spirit was rolling like a runaway train, picking up speed as the service continued. People from 2-65 were jamming, screaming, jumping, waving arms, you name it. It was amazing. It's really hard for me to describe. When I think of those who have given up on church because it's boring and not worth our time they wouldn't have known what to make of this service or our service every Sun and Wed. Pastor John, the lead pastor of my church gave the gospel message and it was amazing with his style of presentation. It was amazing the number of people who raised their hands to accept Jesus. And then the number of people who came to the altar to request prayer for their needs was amazing. Unlike anything I've ever seen.

We still have another full day in Battambang. The third and final festival will be Sun evening and then we drive back to Phnom Penh on Monday. We fly to Singapore and hang out there for a day as well. Then it's a marathon airplane ride back to Memphis via Seoul South Korea, San Francisco, and Salt Lake City.

I'm so lucky I didn't bring a large piece of luggage. I've met at least 10 kids I would happily bring home. Leaving the orphanage was very difficult. We played volleyball with balloons, it was amazing. It's beyond words to see the fruits of your monetary donations right there in front of you.

The preliminary numbers are in. The attendance is estimated between 3000 and 5000. The outside courtyard was full of people as well. There was a huge screen and a sound system outside.

Gone to bed. I feel pretty good about saying that you're gonna have a great Saturday. I've already been through Saturday; it was great!!! :-)

We can't thank you enough for your prayers.


Go Global Everyone said...

Awesome news to hear the power of God moving in Cambodia. We saw some clips in the announcements. I'm sure there is plenty more pictures to share. We can't wait. Pastor Dan brought a stong word on relevance and certainly what Hope Cambodia ties in well with theme. People are hungry for the word and it would be great to figure out a way to get more bibles and missionaries into the country. Looking forward to your next message. I met a visitor from Healing Place Church. This was their second visit.

Sleep well and we will keep on praying.

Shandi said...

That is so awesome! Sounds like you guys have really accomplished some great things for God. You were all missed at church today. Can't wait to have you all back home safely. Love and prayers!!